Buying Land In Aburi, Ghana: What You Need To Know

If you're interested in buying land in Aburi, Ghana, read this guide first! It covers everything you need to know about the process, including tips on what to look for when choosing a property.

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Buying Land In Aburi, Ghana: What You Need To Know

Ghana is a country in West Africa with a population of over twenty-one million people. Ghana's main economic activities are agriculture, mining, and oil production. The capital city is Accra. Ghana's most famous natural resource is cocoa beans and it is the world's second largest exporter of this crop.


The cocoa industry has been declining in recent years, which has led to increasing immigration to cities like Aburi. With the increasing migration, there is an increased demand for land as well as pressure on natural resources such as water. We hope that this blog post will help you make informed decisions when buying land in Ghana.


Why buy land in Aburi?

Aburi is a city in Ghana, West Africa with a population of 79,000 people. It's also the place where this blog post takes place. Aburi is a major cocoa trading hub and is the home of the Cocoa Research Institute of Ghana (CRIG).


What is the process of buying land in Ghana?

Buying land in Ghana is very different than buying land in other countries. In Ghana, there are two types of land ownership: customary and statutory. Customary land is owned by the people that live on it without any formal legal ownership rights. Statutory land is bought from the government or a state enterprise and comes with legal title deeds. The process to buy statutory land is more straightforward, but can take longer.


Where can you buy land in Ghana?

The easiest way to find available land for sale in Ghana is to go online. There are a number of websites that will provide you with information about land. These websites will also provide you with information about the price, upkeep, and location of the land that you are considering.

On these websites, you will be able to find parcels that range in size from one acre to five thousand acres. The prices on these parcels will vary according to their size and location. You can also purchase land through lawyers who specialize in property law or an agent who specializes in rural property and is a member of the Institute of Rural Management (IRMA).

If you want to know more about the process for buying land in Ghana before making any commitments, it is recommended that you speak with a lawyer or an agent who specializes in rural property law or real estate before going through the purchase process.


How much does it cost to buy land in Ghana?

The price of land in Ghana depends on many factors, such as:




-Government policies.

In general, the cost of a hectare of land starts at $500. Other than the cost, you should also consider how much time and money will be needed to develop or cultivate the land. If it is not already developed, then you will have to take into account the costs for things like roads, drainage systems and pipes. Additionally, if there are trees on the property that need to be taken down, this could be an additional expense. There are also taxes that need to be paid when purchasing land in Ghana which vary by region. It is important to know what taxes apply before making any final decisions.


What are the pros and cons of buying land in Aburi, Ghana?

One of the biggest pros to buying land in Aburi is that Ghana is a stable democracy with a stable economy. This makes it an attractive investment for foreign nationals and corporations. Another pro is that Ghana has a growing population. With this growing population, there will be increased demand for property in Ghana's urban centers. That being said, there are also cons to buying land in Aburi, Ghana. One such con would be the scarcity of available land near major cities such as Accra or Kumasi. This scarcity means that those looking to purchase property may have to travel long distances to find what they're looking for so that they can maximize their profit margins.



Buying land in Aburi, Ghana is a great investment for those who want a rural residence or hope to retire in Ghana. The availability of land for sale in Aburi is high and the prices are more affordable than in other parts of the country. This is a good place to start your search if you’re interested in buying land in Ghana.

However, before you start browsing potential homes, it’s important to learn more about the benefits and drawbacks of living in Aburi, Ghana. Read on to find out more.