Changing Names On House Deeds In Ghana: What You Need To Know

If you're considering a name change on your house deed in Ghana, read this first! We'll tell you everything you need to know about the process, from start to finish.

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Changing Names On House Deeds In Ghana: What You Need To Know

A few months ago, I learned that the laws in Ghana can allow for a person to change their name with regards to their property rights.

A little bit about me: I'm an immigrant living in Ghana for five years now. When I first arrived, I had just completed my MBA in the US and was looking for new opportunities in my career. So I thought it would be a good idea to buy some land and build a house on it. At the time, I hadn't realized that there are different restrictions on foreigners owning land in Ghana. But when I did find out, it was too late because my land title deed already had my old name on it! Thankfully, after reading this article, you'll know what you need to do if this ever happens to you.


What is a deed?

A deed is a document that proves ownership of land or property.


Why change your name on a deed?

In Ghana, the law permits a person to change their name on their property rights. This can include business and land title deeds. It is important to know that this does not include your name on your identity card or passport.

The procedure for changing your name starts by getting approval from the Registrar General's office in Accra to have your deed changed. The process of changing a deed is fairly straightforward, with the following steps:

1. Get approval from the State House for you and all co-owners who need to be included in the deed change

2. Present an ID card and new proof of address

3. Pay registration fees

4. Wait 2-3 weeks for new deed

5. Get a new certificate of occupancy


Knowing your rights

Land ownership in Ghana is complex and really differs depending on who you are, where you're from, and other factors. But if you're a foreigner living in Ghana for five years or more and want to change the name on your house deed, that's possible. The process can be tricky so it's important to know your rights.


Changing names on house deeds in Ghana

In Ghana, people can change the name on their property rights by filing for a Deed of Variation. This means that even if you are an expat who has been living in Ghana for several years, you may be able to do this to update your title deed. As long as your current spouse approves, then you'll be able to complete this process and keep your property.

The process is pretty simple - first, you will need to go down to the Lands and Titles Registration office with your spouse or other legal guardian. In order to file for a Deed of Variation, you'll need three copies of your marriage certificate or guardianship papers and one ID card per person. You'll also have to pay a fee and submit an application form.

The good news is that once this process is completed, the Land Department will issue a new title deed with your new name on it! The new document will take about two weeks before it's ready and issued in person with all necessary signatures on it. So make sure you've got some patience because this won't happen overnight!


How to find out if you're eligible for name changes

If you want to change your name on a house deed, you'll need to know if you're eligible. The law in Ghana states that only naturalized citizens can have their names changed on their property deeds. If you're not a naturalized citizen of Ghana, then there are some other ways to go about this.

The first thing I did was to contact the state's Land Registry office and find out if my deed was under my old name. The problem is that these offices aren't always accessible for foreigners living in Ghana, so I had to get help from a local friend who could read my deed. Luckily, it wasn't difficult because the law stipulates that the land registry needs to mention any changes every time they record a deed. It only took one visit and some paperwork to transfer my property rights (plus fee) into my new name!


What to know before changing your name

on your deed

When I found out about the law, I was relieved because now I can change my name on the deed to match my current name here in Ghana. But it wasn't as simple as just going to the registry office. First, you need to get a letter from your embassy that says you're a resident of Ghana, not a tourist. After that, you need to go to the registry office and apply for a new title deed for your property with your new name. With this information, you'll be able to avoid any potential problems down the line and have peace of mind knowing that you're changing your name on the right paperwork.


The process of changing names on house deeds in Ghana

The process of changing names on house deeds in Ghana can be a little confusing. You will need to follow these steps:

1) Talk to the land officer and get their approval.

2) Take your birth certificate, your old house deed, and your new house deed to the court registrar office.

3) The next step is for the court registrar to issue a certificate of name change.

4) After that, you'll take the certificate back to the land officer and they'll update your name on the title deed.

5) Now you're done!



Changing your name on a deed doesn’t sound like a big deal. But it can change your rights to land in Ghana.

In Ghana, your name on a deed could make the difference in who owns land. So you need to know the law before you change your name on a deed.

Keep in mind that these rules apply to both men and women. The process for changing names on house deeds in Ghana is the same for everyone.

Read on for more information about how to change your name on a deed and what you need to know before you do.