Ghana Real Estate: Tips for Buying and Selling Property in the Country

Learn about the basics of buying and selling property in Ghana, from what to look for when house hunting to understanding your legal rights as a homeowner.

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Ghana Real Estate: Tips for Buying and Selling Property in the Country

Buying and selling property in Ghana can be a difficult process. There are many steps to take before you can call it your own. From finding and identifying the perfect property, to getting the necessary permits and paperwork, buying a home in Ghana is not for the faint of heart. If you're looking for insight into what to expect when it comes to buying and selling real estate in Ghana, we've got you covered.

In this article, we’ll cover everything from the best time of year to buy houses, to how you can tell if someone is trustworthy when buying property abroad, so read on!


Identifying the perfect property

The first step in buying and selling property in Ghana is identifying the perfect property. This can be difficult and takes time to do correctly. Even if you know what you're looking for, it's helpful to have some guidance from people who have experience in the Ghanaian real estate market. So, start by asking a local real estate agent for their recommendations or searching online for properties that meet your requirements.

Once you've found a few properties that look promising, it's time to find out more about them. You'll need to speak with the seller of the property and get more information about their motivation for selling the house (if they are an owner). If you feel like there's a mismatch between what they are offering and what you want, move on.

You should also know how much land is included with the property as well as any additional buildings on site or nearby. Consider how close the property is to amenities like schools, shops, or offices; this may inform your decision if you are choosing between two properties of similar cost but one offers better proximity to these services than another.

Once you're confident that this is the right property for you, reach out to the seller with a formal offer letter detailing how much money they will receive upon completion of sale.


Getting the necessary permits and paperwork

In order to buy any property in Ghana, you'll need a set of documents:

- A passport

- A certified birth certificate (with English translation)

- Proof that you are living in Ghana legally

- Proof of employment (if applicable)

- A letter of approval from the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy approving the sale and transfer of ownership rights on the property.

This may seem like a lot, but it's really just a matter of making sure that you have all the necessary documentation before you start looking for your next home. You can learn more about these documents here.


The best time of year to buy houses in Ghana

The best time of year to buy houses in Ghana is from June-October. The reason for this is that the rainy season starts in November, which can make the property more difficult to maintain and may also be a deterrent for potential buyers.

The months of October-April are a good time to sell properties in Ghana because you’ll avoid the rain and also be able to enjoy the winter season with cooler weather. If you're looking for an alternative selling or buying opportunity, consider April-October as your prime window of opportunity.


Truths about buying houses in Ghana

There are two truths about buying houses in Ghana that you need to know:

1. Houses are rarely sold for their market value.

2. Homes can be difficult to find in a country with a high population density.

In general, the price of a house will be different from one place to another and is also dependent on the location of the property, its size, and how many people will be living there. If you want to find a home in Ghana, it's best to start looking early so you have time to compare prices and find what you're looking for.

As far as finding homes in this densely populated country, it's not an easy process. Many homes are located outside of the cities or townships where they're needed so it may take some time to find your perfect match if you don't already have one in mind.

Apartments are also available but they're much more expensive than traditional houses--they can cost up to three times as much! If you’re looking for an apartment, your best bet is to stay clustered around the city centers where prices are lower and there’s more availability.


Why you should buy a house in the summertime

The best time to buy a house in Ghana is during the summer. There are far less people looking to buy, which means that your chances of finding the perfect property for you and your family are higher. The busiest months for real estate are December through July, so if you can wait until the fall, you’ll have more options to choose from. If you’re looking for a luxury property in Ghana, it doesn't hurt to wait until the winter months when everyone feels like they need a change in scenery and there are more properties on the market.


How to tell if someone is trustworthy when buying property abroad

One of the most challenging aspects of buying property abroad is finding a trustworthy seller. It's important to understand that you are dealing with an unfamiliar country and culture, so it can be tricky to know who you can trust. Many people will try to take advantage of foreigners by selling them fake or overpriced properties.

Fortunately, there are a few ways you can tell if someone is trustworthy when buying property abroad. For example, do they have a good reputation amongst other locals? Are they local to the area? Do they have any evidence of properties they've sold in the past? One way is to request proof of ownership or talk with the sellers on social media. You can also ask for feedback from friends and family that live in Ghana about your potential sellers.



There are many things to consider when buying property abroad, but what many people don't realise is that there are just as many considerations when you're selling property. If you're considering buying a property abroad, we hope we've given you some helpful tips on how to buy, sell and invest in Ghana real estate.