How To Find Apartments to Rent Number One Oxford Street in Accra: A Comprehensive Guide

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How To Find Apartments to Rent Number One Oxford Street in Accra: A Comprehensive Guide

How To Find Apartments to Rent Number One Oxford Street in Accra: A Comprehensive Guide


Looking for an apartment in Accra to rent is not as easy as it sounds. Apartments don’t usually come with “For Rent” signs on them, and often you have to know someone who knows someone to get a lead on a property. But if you know where to look and what kind of properties are available, the process can be quick and painless. There are several types of properties that you can rent in Accra: individual houses, shared houses (apartments), hotels, hostels or guesthouses, and serviced apartments (self-catering units). In some cases, it might make sense to lease an unfurnished place without appliances so that you can bring your own kitchen cabinets and fixtures but this is less likely unless you’re talking about something like a condo or co-op unit within a larger building.



Finding an apartment to rent in Accra

Finding an apartment to rent in Accra can be a multi-step process. You can start by searching online property websites, walking around the neighbourhood you want to live in, and even asking your employer if they have a list of properties they can recommend. When you’re looking at properties, it’s helpful to know what you can afford and what your priorities are. It’s also important to understand the market in Accra and the types of apartments that are available. Some types of properties are more common in certain areas, and it’s important to know what you want before you start looking for an apartment to rent. When you find a property you’d like to learn more about, make sure to ask the landlord or manager as many questions as you can before deciding whether to commit.


Individual Houses for rent

Individual houses for rent are rare in Accra. They mostly pop up for rent when the owners are travelling or studying abroad and want to rent out their property for a short period of time. You can usually find these listings posted in the “Looking for a room or roommate” sections of online forums or on Facebook pages like Accra Roommate. Alternatively, you can also contact real estate agents or rental websites, especially if you’re willing to pay higher rent for a detached house.


Shared Apartments for Rent in Accra

Shared apartments (apartments) in Accra are common, especially in areas such as Cantonments, East Legon, Airport Residential Area, and Labone. This type of housing is a great option for students, young professionals, or expats who are just starting out in Ghana. The cost of shared apartments can vary widely depending on the neighbourhood, the size of the unit, and the quality of the building’s infrastructure. When looking for an apartment to rent in Accra, it’s important to find out how many people are already living there. If you want to live alone, you can request that the landlord or building manager remove the other tenants, but this is easier said than done. Many neighbourhoods in Accra are zoned for low-rise apartments and townhouses, so this type of housing is more common and you are likely to find more options.


Serviced Apartments for Rent in Accra

Serviced apartments are an option in Accra, but they are not as common as shared apartments. You can usually find these in the high-end areas of Cantonments, Labone, East Legon, or Airport Residential Area. Alternatively, a few hotels also offer self-catering units for short-term guests who are staying for less than a week. If you’re looking for an apartment to rent where you’re able to do your own cooking, then you should also be on the lookout for a building with a reliable water supply. You don’t want to commit to renting an apartment only to find out six months later that the building’s water supply is inconsistent.


Hotels and Guesthouses for rent in Accra

Hotels and guesthouses for rent in Accra are rare, but they do exist. This is a last resort if you can’t find a shared apartment or serviced apartment that you like. These properties are often owned by businesspeople who use them as a pied-a-terre when they travel for work. Before committing to renting one of these units, make sure you can get a clear picture of what you’re getting into. If you’re looking for an apartment to rent, the best approach is to get online and search for “Accra apartments for rent” or “Accra apartments for lease” or “Accra short term rentals”. You can also try searching for real estate websites or apps like Catelogue. Alternatively, you can also go to real estate agents or couchsurfing forums and ask if anyone knows of any properties that are available for rent.



Finding an apartment to rent in Accra is a challenging task for newcomers. It is important to know what you want and be persistent. Start by searching online property websites, walk around the neighbourhood you want to live in, and ask your employer if they have a list of properties they can recommend. When you find a property you'd like to learn more about, make sure to ask the landlord or manager as many questions as you can before deciding whether to commit. All in all, finding an apartment to rent in Accra isn’t easy. However, it’s definitely worth it if you’re looking for a more permanent living situation.