How to Inspect an Apartment in Ghana Before You Buy

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How to Inspect an Apartment in Ghana Before You Buy

How to Inspect an Apartment in Ghana Before You Buy

Buying an apartment in Ghana can be a nerve-racking experience, especially if you’re not familiar with the local real estate market and its unique standards. Before you commit to a property, you should make sure that it meets international standards. To do this, you need to learn how to inspect an apartment in Ghana.

If you’re not familiar with the local real estate market, you should learn more about the different standards that you should follow when purchasing a property. The following article will teach you how to inspect an apartment in Ghana.


What to inspect when inspecting an apartment in Ghana

Before you can inspect a property, you need to know what to look for. The most obvious thing to inspect is the apartment itself. After all, this is where you’ll be living for the next 12-18 months. The apartment should be in good condition, with clean walls and floors and minimal visible signs of wear and tear. If the apartment is not in good condition, it could seriously impact your experience living in Ghana. You’ll want to inspect the kitchen and bathroom, as these are the two rooms that you’ll spend the most time in while living in the apartment.


Know the different types of apartments in Ghana

There are several types of apartments in Ghana. Depending on where you are in the country, you may even come across the Ewe-Akwado, a type of semi-underground hut.


- Ewe-Akwado - This type of apartment is very common in the northern and eastern regions of Ghana, including Accra and Cape Coast. Because of the climate, these areas are usually only inhabited between October and May. You’ll notice that many of the Ewe-Akwado in these regions are very old, falling apart and covered in vines.

- Accra Accommodation - The Accra Accommodation is the most popular type of apartment in Accra, with many of the apartments in this type of building dating back to the 1960s and 70s.

- Traditional Housing - The traditional housing is quite common in the eastern region of Ghana, especially in the southeast region. This type of building is usually made of brick and is a fairly new development.

- Ground-Level Floors - The ground-level floors are quite common throughout Accra and Accra Accommodation, despite the fact that they are not legal in the city. However, many people still prefer this type of flooring to the standard concrete or wooden flooring.

- Roofs - The roofs in Ghana are quite different from the type of roofs you’re used to in Western countries. Therefore, it’s important for you to inspect the roof in any prospective property. You should also inspect the walls around the roof to make sure that they don’t look like they’re in danger of falling down.

- Rainspouts - The rainspouts in Ghana are quite different from their Western counterparts. Therefore, you should inspect the rainspout to make sure that it’s in good condition.

- Windows - The windows in Ghana are quite different from the Western standard. Therefore, you should inspect the windows to make sure that they’re in good condition.

- Garbage Can - The garbage cans in Ghana are very different from Western countries. Therefore, you should inspect the can to make sure that it’s in good condition.

- Electricity Connection - The electricity connection in Ghana is very different from the Western standard. Therefore, you should inspect the connection to make sure that it’s in good condition.


Look for signs of water damage

The kitchen and bathroom are the two rooms that you spend the most time in while living in an apartment. Therefore, you should inspect the walls to make sure that they’re free from any signs of water damage. You should also inspect the floors to make sure that they’re free from any visible marks. You should also inspect the ceiling to make sure that it’s free from any signs of cracks.


Water damage in the walls and floors can look like paint blobs, scuff marks, or water stains. If you notice any of these signs in the walls or floors, you should report them to the seller.


Check the flooring

The floors in Ghana are quite different from the Western standard. Therefore, you should inspect the floors to make sure that they’re in good condition. You should also inspect the walls around the floors to make sure that they’re in good condition.


You can do this by looking at the edges of the walls to see if the walls are cracked or damaged in any way. You should also inspect the ceiling to make sure that it’s in good condition.


Check the walls and ceiling

The walls and ceiling in Ghana are quite different from the Western standard. Therefore, you should inspect the walls to make sure that they’re in good condition. You should also inspect the ceiling to make sure that it’s in good condition.


You can do this by looking at the edges of the walls to see if the walls are cracked or damaged in any way. You should also inspect the ceiling to make sure that it’s in good condition.


Look for plumbing issues

The plumbing in Ghana is different from the Western standard. Therefore, you should inspect the pipes to make sure that they’re in good condition. You should also inspect the valves and fittings to make sure that they’re in good condition.


If you notice any sign of wear and tear on the pipes or fittings, you should report it to the seller. You should also inspect the hose to make sure that it’s in good condition.


Check the electrical system

The electrical system in Ghana is quite different from the Western standard. Therefore, you should inspect the electrical system to make sure that it’s in good condition. You should also inspect the switches and outlets to make sure that they’re in good condition.


If you notice any sign of wear and tear on the electrical system or switches, you should report it to the seller. You should also inspect the cables to make sure that they’re in good condition.



If you are planning to buy a property in Ghana, make sure that you inspect the property thoroughly. You can use the tips in this article to ensure that you purchase a property that will last.


Apart from inspecting the property, you should also closely examine the neighborhood. This is important because the location of the property may affect your experience in Ghana. For instance, a noisy area or a dangerous neighborhood may affect your safety and comfort.


The housing market in Ghana is quite volatile, so you should make sure that you factor that in when you’re buying an apartment. Apart from that, the local standards for property inspection may vary depending on where you are in the country.