Melcom Ghana Furniture - Made In Ghana To Serve The World!

If you're looking for high-quality, handcrafted furniture in Ghana, look no further than Melcom! We offer a wide range of furniture options to suit your every need.

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Melcom Ghana Furniture - Made In Ghana To Serve The World!

Melcom Furniture is a furniture manufacturer located in the Ashanti region of Ghana. Here, we work with local craftsmen to produce high-quality handcrafted wood furniture that is shipped all over the world. Our products are made by artisans – not robots!

Our mission is to be the world’s leading supplier of handmade high-quality, exotic hardwood furniture from Ghana. We want you to have furniture that will last for generations and make you and your family happy. Check out some of our products today and discover the true meaning of Melcom Ghana Furniture!


Our Mission

Melcom Ghana Furniture is a furniture manufacturer located in the Ashanti region of Ghana. We work with local craftsmen to produce high-quality handcrafted wood furniture that is shipped all over the world.

Our mission is to be the world’s leading supplier of handmade high-quality, exotic hardwood furniture from Ghana. We want you to have furniture that will last for generations and make you and your family happy. Check out some of our products today and discover the true meaning of Melcom Ghana Furniture!


Why Choose Us?

We are proud to be the first furniture manufacturer in Ghana. We have been around for more than 20 years and were one of the first companies to use high-quality machines for the production process. We are also the only company that uses African hardwoods, including tamale, mahogany, zebra wood and many others.


What Makes Us Different From Other Brands?

We are proud to be a family-owned furniture company and we believe in the importance of sustainability. This means our products are made from materials that can be renewed, replenished, and recycled.

Sustainability is important to us because it means not only taking care of the environment but also taking care of people. We're committed to providing jobs for people who need them and ensuring that our workers are treated fairly. In every region where we operate, we offer employment opportunities for locals and provide training programs to help them gain new skills. We work with local suppliers, which helps support our communities and gives back to those who need it most.

One thing that sets Melcom Ghana Furniture apart is that we have the expertise and know-how to produce high-quality furniture by hand. Our craftsmen are skilled artisans – not robots!

Melcom Ghana Furniture offers a variety of handmade products with different finishes such as natural, waxed, or stained wood. The finishes will vary depending on the type of wood used for each product. We've recently started exporting our furniture all over the world so you can own a piece of Ghanaian culture in your home!


How To Shop With Melcom Ghana Furniture

We offer a variety of products including beds, tables, chairs and benches. Our furniture is made from wood frames and upholstered with hand-woven cane or cotton. Check out our store to find the perfect piece for your home!

We want you to have an enjoyable shopping experience so we do our best to make your purchase as easy as possible. You can order all of our products online or contact us for a shipping quote.

Our website is secure and provides several payment options including credit card, PayPal and wire transfer. We also offer free shipping on every order over $200 USD! If you have any questions about ordering from Melcom Ghana Furniture, please don’t hesitate to call us at +233 30219522 or send an email at


What Is Handmade Wood?

Handmade wood furniture is furniture that is handmade by human hands, not by machines.

This means that the craftsmen who are making these products are not using power tools or any other type of automated machinery. They use their skills and their hands to make these pieces.

Many people believe that handmade wood furniture is better than manufactured wood furniture because it's made with attention to detail and care. This type of furniture may be expensive, but it will last for many years with the proper care. And it will never look cheap like some lower-quality products out there.


Where Can I Find Our Products Online?

If you’re looking for handcrafted wood furniture that is made in Ghana, then look no further. The Melcom Ghana Furniture Company specializes in handmade furniture from Africa. We work with local craftsmen to produce high-quality wood furniture items that are made with care and consideration for the environment.

The best place to find our products is on our website at

Our website has all of the products we currently have available for purchase online including a complete catalog of our products, special offers, and interesting blogs about the people behind our company and what makes Melcom different from other manufacturers. We also have an online store where you can purchase all of our products securely online with just a few simple clicks! If you are interested in learning more about us or one of our products, don’t hesitate to reach out to us via email at or call/text +233 (0) 22 34 00 10 11


We’re on Pinterest!

We are on Pinterest! We’ve been working hard to make sure we have boards that suit our customers’ needs. Whether you’re looking for ideas for your living room, a new patio set, or some unique pieces of art, we have you covered. Check out some of our boards below to see what we offer:

All About Ghana Furniture

Exotic Hardwoods from Ghana

Living Room Ideas

Garden Furniture

Decorating with Exotic Hardwoods


We’re On Facebook!

We understand that social media is a valuable tool in reaching our customers and potential customers. That’s why we’ve created a Facebook page! You can find us at We post pictures of our products, as well as our latest deals. You’ll also be updated on all the latest happenings in the world of Melcom Furniture!

Keep up to date with Melcom Ghana Furniture by visiting our Facebook page today!


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If you want to get updates from us, sign up for our newsletter! We send out an email every week with new products, promotions, and special offers. If you sign up for our newsletter you will be the first to know about these updates.


Check Out Our Latest Blog Post!

There are many reasons why it's important to invest in digital marketing and one of the most common is that it helps your business grow. You can target your audience more precisely than traditional methods with digital marketing.


Facebook: One of the most popular social media platforms, which helps to advertise a business by showing ads on their timeline or their page.

The benefits of advertising on Facebook are that there are many different ways to do it, such as targeting a specific demographic or geographic area, and you have the ability to precisely target your audience. Digital marketing is also important for businesses because it allows them to grow and specifically target their audience.