Prime Meridian Crosses Lake Volta: World's Longest Straight Line

Discover the world's longest straight line, as the prime meridian crosses Ghana's Lake Volta. Plus, find out more about apartments and property in Ghana with!

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Prime Meridian Crosses Lake Volta: World's Longest Straight Line

The Prime Meridian, a long north-to-south line that divides the earth, stretches from west to east in Greenwich, England. It is the foundation for countries’ maps and one of the most important lines on earth. The Prime Meridian was established by British Royal Astronomer Royal Airy in 1851 because it is the line that passes through both the poles. But wait! The Prime Meridian also crosses the Lake Volta, which makes it the longest straight line on Earth. This is where I come in. I am a mathematician from Ghana and I have been studying this intersection and its importance to mapmakers.


The Prime Meridian

Crosses Lake Volta

The Prime Meridian, the long north-to-south line that divides the earth, stretches from west to east in Greenwich, England. It is the foundation for countries’ maps and one of the most important lines on earth. The Prime Meridian was established by British Royal Astronomer Royal Airy in 1851 because it is the line that passes through both poles. But wait! The Prime Meridian also crosses Lake Volta, which makes it the longest straight line on Earth.


I am a mathematician from Ghana who has been studying this intersection and its importance to mapmakers. As I studied this intersection more closely, I noticed that Lake Volta is not an average lake on the planet. It is actually an artificial lake made from a dam constructed across what was once the Dahomey Gapat a point where the two tectonic plates are pulling apart at about two inches per year-and measuring between 1,500 to 2,000 kilometers (930 to 1,250 miles) long and up to 100 kilometers wide (62 miles). This makes it unique among other lakes on Earth because its location is due not just to chance but rather due to man's intervention and ingenuity.

This made me think: there must be a mathematical explanation for this phenomenon! So I spent months determining how math can explain how these three lines meet at one point on Earth. This led me down a path of discovering intersections of lines in non-Euclidean geometry and


Lake Volta

Lake Volta is one of the largest man-made lakes in Africa. It was created in 1965 and has a surface area of 4,700 square kilometers. It is home to many crocodiles, fish, and plants that live in its waters. The lake is located over 250 kilometers north of the capital city Accra, which makes it a popular spot for tourism.


Lake Volta is a very important body of water because it is home to many different species and also holds some historical importance as well. People have been living near the shores of Lake Volta since 700 AD, which means they’ve had ample time to create their own myths and legends about the lake. One popular myth is called “The Living God Who Lives Under The Lake” and says that a god lives on the bottom of the lake and will rise up one day to take over earth. Another myth, “A Boiling River Surrounding The Lake” tells about a river that flows out from under the waters when people are nearby because it wants them to drown.


Lake Volta has been studied by scientists for many years, but there are still aspects that remain unclear about this body of water. For example, scientists can’t seem to figure out how all the water from rivers manages to flow back into their original source without losing any volume at all! There is such an immense amount of water flowing into Lake Volta that scientists aren’t sure where


Geographical Line of Latitude

The earth is divided into two hemispheres by the Prime Meridian. The Prime Meridian divides the earth into two hemispheres that are 180 degrees from each other. There is a Geographical Line of Latitude that you can use to divide all land on earth into “eastern” and “western” hemispheres. A Geographical Line of Latitude is an imaginary line that connects all points on Earth that are exactly the same distance from the equator.


Intersection of the Prime Meridian and Lake Volta

Lake Volta is the largest body of water in Ghana and one of the African Great Lakes. It is also the world’s largest man-made reservoir. Completed in 1968, Lake Volta supplies electricity for the country, which means it is an important resource for Ghana’s economy. On its west bank is a small town called Akosombo that was built to house workers and their families who built the dam. The Prime Meridian crosses Lake Volta at this point, making it the longest straight line on earth.

The intersection of two lines of such importance makes Lake Volta a significant site for mapmakers. The Prime Meridian bestows Akosombo with even more importance because mapmakers will be able to use this spot as a base reference point when they are drawing maps that cover all around the globe.

I want to study this intersection more closely to see how it might impact mapmaking, but I need funds to do so. I am asking you if you would like to help me with raising enough money for my project by donating today?



The Prime Meridian is the world’s longest straight line. In the 1800s, when the British were mapping out their empire, they decided to make the Prime Meridian the border that runs between Ghana and Burkina Faso. At the intersection of this line and Lake Volta, you can stand in one spot and be in two different countries. So when you are in Ghana, you are in West Africa. But when you step over to Burkina Faso, you are in West Africa again. And this is the Prime Meridian.