Visiting Ghana: 10 Things You Need To Know Before Going

What you should know before visiting Ghana for the first time.

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Visiting Ghana: 10 Things You Need To Know Before Going

Visiting Ghana: 10 Things You Need To Know Before Going

Planning a trip to Ghana? Great idea! Ghana is rich in culture and history with many old, historic sites of interest. From the diverse wildlife to the warm weather, there are so many reasons to visit. It’s also easy to travel around and see different parts of the country. If you plan on visiting now that you know some interesting facts about Ghana, here are 10 things you need to know before going.


10 Things You Need To Know Before Going

1. There are many transportation options in Ghana, but you should always check to see if the driver has insurance.

2. Be aware of the time of day when traveling around and be prepared for it to get dark at around 5 pm during winter.

3. You will need a visa before entering Ghana, so be sure to apply for one beforehand if necessary and make sure you have correct documentation with you at all times.

4. If you're visiting Ghana as part of a tour group, be sure to ask your tour guide about the local customs and culture ahead of time.

5. When driving, beware of pedestrians and other vehicles on the road - they may not follow traffic rules! 6. Always carry cash with you - it's more convenient than using credit cards or ATMs, which may not always work in remote areas or outlying districts without reliable electricity or internet service.

7. It's important to dress appropriately when visiting Ghana; modest clothing is appropriate in most areas, but some touristy areas will require less coverage than others (like beach areas). 8. You will need to be careful about food safety while in Ghana as tap water is not safe for drinking (though there are bottled water brands that are). 9. Be aware that tipping is expected and appreciated here - tipping 10-20% of the bill is customary after good service at restaurants and hotels, for example! 10. Always visit the National Museum of Ghana in Accra to


Climate and Weather

Ghana has a tropical climate with two seasons: the dry season and the rainy season. The dry season lasts six months, from October to March, and the rainy season lasts six months, from April to September. The average temperature is 82 degrees Fahrenheit (28 degrees Celsius) year-round, so you can enjoy Ghana’s warmth all year long!


A Brief History of Ghana

Ghana is a country in West Africa and is home to many historic sites, such as Elmina Castle and Cape Coast Castle. Ghana gained independence from the United Kingdom on March 6, 1957. It was the first country in Africa led by an African president.


1) Located in Western Africa

2) The second-largest country on the continent

3) Ghana became independent from the United Kingdom in 1957

4) Ghana has one of the fastest growing economies

5) The capital city of Accra has a population of 2 million residents

6) Famous places to visit are Elmina Castle, Cape Coast Castle, and Kakum National Park

7) A large part of Ghana’s economy comes from cocoa production

8) There are plenty of beaches to relax on

9) Beaches are public, but most hotels have their own private beach resorts with all inclusive packages

10) You can also visit villages for interesting cultural experiences


Ghanaian Customs and Etiquette

It’s important to know the customs and etiquette of a country before you visit it. If you plan on visiting Ghana, there are a few things you should know beforehand.

1. It is customary to greet people with “Peace Be With You” or “Good Morning” in most occasions.

2. Greetings are not one-way interactions; it is expected that you will greet back someone who greets you.

3. When meeting a person for the first time, shake hands, but with women and children, offer them your open palm instead of shaking their hand.

4. Men shouldn’t wear shorts or walk around without tights in any public place due to cultural norms and standards of decency (this also goes for women).

5. It is considered rude to point at someone in Ghanaian culture which is why using your index finger when gesturing is frowned upon.


Visiting the Countryside

While Ghana is a relatively small country, it is divided into regions that have different climates. The north of the country is typically hot and humid while the south is usually dry and warm. If you want to experience Ghana’s rainforest, head to the south. You can also visit the Bodmin Fens in the southeast of Ghana, or explore the Kakum National Park in the northeast where you’ll find a beautiful rainforest.


Shopping, Tours, and Events

The capital of Ghana is Accra. You’ll find the largest shopping malls in Ghana, including Tema and Kotoka International Airport. Touring the country has always been a favorite of many visitors. There are many old, historic sites of interest to see in Ghana. One such site is Cape Coast Castle, which was first built by Dutch traders in 1637 and then expanded by the British in 1814. It served as a slave trading post until it was abolished in 1807.

There are also many festivals to check out during your visit. The largest festival is called the Kwame Nkrumah Pan-African Culture and Arts Festival, which takes place every four years. The next one will take place October 2020.


Safety, Health, Etc.

One of the most important things to know before visiting Ghana is that it is relatively safe. There are, however, some areas you should avoid and some things to be wary of. You’ll want to be sure to take insect repellant because mosquitos may carry malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever and other diseases. Food-borne illnesses are also a risk. In addition, try not to go out at night alone as muggers may target tourists. Also make sure you drink bottled water or only drink boiled water.

In terms of health care, there are hospitals in major cities like Accra that can help with basic needs but for emergency care or more serious illnesses you’ll have to travel abroad from one of the major cities.

In terms of safety and healthcare, it's recommended that you travel with your own medications such as painkillers and anti-malarial drugs in case anything happens while you're traveling in Ghana.



Ghana may not be the first place that springs to mind when you start planning your next vacation. But it should—if you want to experience something new, Ghana is a destination with a lot of to offer.

The country is full of natural beauty, culture, and history. You’ll be able to explore vibrant cities, lush parks, and lush rainforests. You’ll be able to get a taste of the rich African culture, enjoy delicious dishes, and even have a chance to see some exciting events.

But there are a few things you should know before booking your trip. Depending on the time of year you visit, the climate can be hotter or more temperate. There are also a lot of customs and etiquette to keep in mind. Trust us when we say you don’t want to be the outsider breaking any of the local rules.

If you’re still interested in visiting Ghana, check out the list below. We’ll cover the essentials, from the country’s history and culture to safety tips.