What a Good Size Studio Apartment Looks Like

If you're looking for studio apartments in Accra, Ghana, check out this list of what to expect in terms of size and features.

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What a Good Size Studio Apartment Looks Like

What a Good Size Studio Apartment Looks Like

When it comes to finding an affordable place to call home, many recent graduates might be biting their nails. It can be difficult to know where to look for affordable housing, especially if you don’t have a lot of savings. However, finding a studio apartment may be the answer you’ve been looking for. A studio apartment is a slightly smaller version of a standard apartment. They have fewer living spaces and smaller bedrooms, but they’re perfect for those who want to save money on rent.

A studio apartment usually has about 100 square feet of living space. Even though they’re smaller, studios are perfect for those who don’t need much space. These affordable homes are also a great starting point for those who want to see if an apartment is the right fit before committing to a full-time lease.

Here’s what a good size studio apartment looks like.


What to Look for in a Studio Apartment

While searching for a studio apartment, it’s important to make sure you’re finding a space that’s right for you. The first decision to make is the size of the studio apartment you’re looking for.


Generally, studios are smaller than one bedrooms. They’re also smaller than two bedrooms. You can, however, find studios that are slightly larger than a one bedroom. Sizes will vary depending on your preference and the average size of the neighborhood.


Next, think about how much you’re willing to sacrifice on space. Studios tend to have smaller windows and smaller closets. If you don’t mind these limitations, studios can be a more affordable option.


The pros of living in a studio

- Economical - Studios are usually much more affordable than one bedrooms. For those who are trying to save money, studios are the way to go.

- Flexibility - If you want to move to a new city, or find a new job, studios are able to be rented out without any hassle. Since studios are smaller spaces, they’re very mobile.

- Location - Studios come with street noise and city life. If you’re looking to experience it all, a studio can be a great choice.

- Easy Move In - For those who are moving to a new city, studios are usually very easy to rent out. While it might take tenants a little bit longer to move in, it’s much easier than finding a new tenant for a full apartment.

- Back-Up-Sale Potential - Studios are often sold as a secondary home. If you’re looking to sell your home, studios might be a good option.


The cons of living in a studio

- Space - Studios are usually smaller than one bedrooms, but this isn’t always the case. It’s important to look at the square footage of the studio you’re interested in.

- Closets - When looking at studios, it’s important to look at their closets. If studios don’t have walk-in closets, it could be a deal breaker.

- Kitchen Space - One of the downsides to studios is they don’t have a big kitchen. If you want your new roommate to be able to cook their own meals, a studio might not be the right fit.

- Noise - The good news about studios is that they’re usually located near a city center. This can mean some noise, but it can also mean a variety of activities.


How big of a studio should you try to find?

The size of the studio you’re looking for will depend on your lifestyle.


- If you’re a student, a small studio can work. A studio studio might have everything you need, but it might not be the best choice for you in the long run.

- If you’re looking for a place to live and save money, a studio that’s slightly smaller than a one bedroom is ideal.

- If you’re relocating to a new city, or trying to buy a home, a studio that’s slightly larger than a one bedroom might work.

- If you’re making a permanent move to a new city, or you have a big family, a two bedroom studio might be best.


Tips for finding an affordable studio apartment

- Research - Start your search by doing some research on studio apartments near you. This will help narrow down what types of studios you’re interested in, and where they’re located.

- Look at Apartments.com - When looking for apartments online, Apartments.com is a great place to start. Apartments.com is a website that helps you find everything from apartments to roommates.

- Call Rentals - Another great way to find affordable studios is by calling rental properties. Try calling around to see if there are any studios that are available for rent.

- Visit Apartments - Once you start your search, make sure to visit the properties that are available. This will help you make a decision on what is right for you.

- Ask for Discounts - Rentals don’t always go as planned. Maybe you planned to rent a studio, but you ended up getting a one bedroom instead. Whatever the case may be, it’s important to ask for discounts.

- Look at Apartments.com - Even if you’re looking at studio apartments that aren’t on Apartments.com, it can help with your search. You might be able to find a studio that’s right for you, without even knowing it.


Conclusion: Finding affordable housing doesn’t need to be a struggle

It can be difficult to find affordable housing. It’s even more frustrating when the search doesn’t turn out well.


However, it doesn’t have to be difficult. Studios are a great starting point for those who are looking for an affordable place to call home.

Studios are usually slightly smaller than one bedrooms. They’re also much less expensive than a two bedroom. So, for those who are trying to save money on rent, studios can be a great option.

With the right research and preparation, finding an affordable studio apartment doesn’t need to be a struggle. In fact, it can be one of the most enjoyable experiences you have as a homeowner.