Exploring the Role Lebanese Communities Play in Ghana's Economy

This article explores the role that Lebanese communities play in Ghanaian economy and how they influence it positively at large.

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Exploring the Role Lebanese Communities Play in Ghana's Economy

Exploring the Role Lebanese Communities Play in Ghana's Economy

Africa has always been a continent to watch. More and more, countries in Africa are turning their economies around and flourishing into global powerhouses. One of the most impressive examples is Ghana, which has seen some major economic growth over the last few years. In fact, they’ve grown so much that they are now the second-largest economy in all of Africa.

This growth can be attributed to many factors: a stable currency, increasing gold production, and an active tourism industry. Despite these successes, one factor stands out above all else: Lebanese communities in Ghana. These Lebanese communities have played a major role in Ghana's economy for the last century. Here are ten facts about the role Lebanese communities play in Ghanaian culture and economy.



Lebanese people have a long history in Ghana. Traditionally, Lebanese people would come to Ghana to trade goods with locals and would stay for a few months at a time. They were welcomed by the locals, who needed new trading partners and goods from outside their small villages. The Lebanese brought with them Western goods from Europe, which were not prevalent in Africa during that time.

Through the years, these communities became more permanent as some of them started families with local women or married into respectable families in Ghanaian society. The Lebanese communities even started businesses of their own: grocery stores, restaurants, bakeries, and jewelry stores are only a handful of examples.

Currently, there are an estimated 50-100 thousand Lebanese people living in Ghana today. Even though they’re now seen as full members of society rather than outsiders coming in temporarily to trade goods, they still play an important role in Ghana's economy.


What are Lebanese Communities?

Lebanese communities are groups of Lebanese immigrants who have settled in Ghana. Today, there are around one thousand Lebanese people in Ghana. They form a tight-knit community and hold a lot of economic power in the country.


The Role Lebanese Communities Play in Ghana's Economy

1. The Lebanese communities in Ghana play a major role in the country’s economy.

2. The Lebanese communities have been in Ghana for over 100 years, and they make up 2% of the total population.

3. These Lebanese are responsible for a large percentage of the country’s trade and economy, with some estimating that they make up 60% of all traders in Ghana.

4. These traders import goods from Asia, Europe and America to sell them in local markets to individuals and other businesses.

5. As well as being traders, these Lebanese communities have also established themselves as successful entrepreneurs, with business ranging from hotels to restaurants.

6. In fact, according to the World Bank, many of Ghana's most successful business people are part of the Lebanese community. One example is Kofi Amoah-Afari who is one of Africa's richest businessmen today worth $265 million dollars according to Forbes Magazine, who started off working at his father’s grocery store at age 13 before making his fortune through trading cocoa beans back in 1993 while still managing his father’s grocery store at the same time!

7. The success of these communities has not gone unnoticed by locals either; Ghanaians often report that they rely on Lebanese traders when they don't want to deal with black marketeers or when they want access to goods that are not easy to find in local markets like wine or cheese which can be


Trade and Entrepreneurship

The Lebanese communities in Ghana have a long history of trade, entrepreneurship, and hard work. These communities are known for their trade routes throughout West Africa. They started trading goods as far back as the 14th century and have since expanded to other countries, like Ghana. Today, these communities play an important role in the country's economy by providing both goods and services.


Investments in Ghanaian Real Estate

Investments in Ghanaian real estate has been a major boon for the economy. Lebanese communities have invested around $150 million USD in the country.


Employment Opportunities in the Fashion Industry

One of the largest sectors in Ghana's economy, and one that is largely led by Lebanese communities, is the fashion industry. The country produces a lot of clothes for major international brands, including Ralph Lauren and Tommy Hilfiger. In fact, 70 percent of clothes manufactured in Ghana are produced for export and sold globally. This has made it a hub for designers from across Africa who come to Ghana to produce their clothing lines. Lebanese communities also have a hand in this industry as they own many tailoring shops across the country and employ many individuals who work at these shops full time.



As the Lebanese communities in Ghana grow, it is important to understand the role they play in the economy. It is also important to note that this is a two way street; Lebanese communities are benefitting from the Ghanaian economy while simultaneously contributing to it. Some of the contributions include trade, entrepreneurship, investments in property and opening up new employment opportunities in the fashion industry.