How Much is an Apartment in Ghana

How Much is an Apartment in Ghana

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How Much is an Apartment in Ghana

Renting an apartment in Ghana, whether it is a studio, 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom unit, does not come cheap. In fact, the monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Accra ranges from GHS1,500 to 3,000 (USD150-300). Depending on the location and size of the apartment, prices can be even higher.

Prices are rising rapidly across Africa as businesses see this continent expanding - but what are they rising to? What is the cost of renting an apartment in Ghana? Here are some ways to figure out how much you have to spend.


Is it worth it, to rent an apartment in Ghana?

While it might be worth it to rent an apartment in Ghana, you should know what to expect. Prices are rising rapidly across Africa as businesses see this continent expanding - but what are they rising to? What is the cost of renting an apartment in Ghana?


What are the other options?

The cost of renting an apartment in Ghana is not cheap - it ranges from GHS1,500 to 3,000 (USD150-300) per month. This may seem expensive but there are other options for people on a budget. One option is to live with family or friends. Another option is to live in a hostel which usually caters to young people that want affordable accommodation while they work and save up money.

One of the most popular choices for young people living in Accra is the Hostel Accra, which provides modern accommodations at an affordable price. Then there are also apartments that were built specifically for people who cannot afford the high cost of rent in Ghana - these apartments are called "social housing" or "low-cost housing."

Another option is staying with family or friends, which may stem from African culture; some cultures believe it’s important for children to help take care of their parents later on in life. By living with friends or family members you can lower your monthly expenditure significantly and still be able to enjoy your independence. The last option would be to stay at a hostel; this is often chosen by individuals who want affordable accommodation while they work and save up money for their own place.


How much should one be paying for renting an apartment in Ghana?

There is no hard and fast rule for how much you should pay for an apartment in Ghana. The rental cost depends on the location and size of the apartment. Larger apartments will be more expensive and renting a two-bedroom apartment in Accra will set you back about GHS6,000 (USD600). Of course, this does not include other associated costs such as utilities and maintenance fees.



Renting an apartment in Ghana is not for everyone. It's important to consider the aforementioned points before deciding on whether or not to rent an apartment. For those that decide to rent, a good rule of thumb is to spend a little more and get a nicer place, since you'll be living there.