The Best Holiday Destinations To Visit In Ghana 2021

Ghana is a country in West Africa with a long history

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The Best Holiday Destinations To Visit In Ghana 2021

Ghana is a country in West Africa with a long history. The country was founded by migrants from the eastern region of the present-day borders of Ghana, who came to be known as Akans. In modern day, there are many different attractions for travellers and holidaymakers around the world to enjoy while exploring this beautiful African nation. This blog post will give you an overview on what to do and where to go when visiting Ghana in 2021.

Professional tone that provides an overview about why people should visit Ghana within 2021; uses formal language such as "Ghana" instead of "ghana."


Ghana is a country in West Africa with a long history

Ghana is a country in West Africa with a long history. The country was founded by migrants from the eastern region of the present-day borders of Ghana, who came to be known as Akans. The Akan are a tribe known as the royal descendants of the Ancient Egyptians, who belong to the African ethnic group, the Ashanti.

Due to these different groups, people from Ghana can be referred to as Yoruba people, because there is a Yoruba language which originated in Ghana. Ghana, as a country, has been founded in the 10th century AD. The country was the first African nation to gain independence in 1957, under the leadership of Kwame Nkrumah.

The heritage of Ghana has been celebrated throughout the years, and these monuments still stand in Ghana.


The country was founded by migrants from the eastern region of the present-day borders of Ghana, who came to be known as Akans

It is imperative to realize that Ghana was named from its indigenous inhabitants, the Akans. This may sound a little complicated, but the name Ghana is actually a word combination of two very different words. Akan means people from Eastern Region. As for this word - agban, it's an ancient word that means "rich people". The language of Ghana is Twi. It's an informal language used by the Ghanaian people.

The country was officially named "Gold Coast" by the British because of the abundance of gold in its soil. The economy of Ghana is based on exporting cocoa and gold.

The perfect time to visit Ghana in 2021 is during the dry season

During the rainy season, many beaches are inaccessible, so it's ideal to visit Ghana during the dry season.


In modern day, there are many attractions for travellers and holidaymakers around the world to enjoy while exploring this beautiful African nation

It covers 3 main articles:

Tourist Attractions

Ghana Tours

Ghana Food


The prices quoted are for the 2019 tourist season. Prices are always cheaper for longer holidays.


A personalised experience - including tailor-made cultural tours to an authentic Ghanaian village or wedding, with fantastic meals and entertainment.

An extensive choice of activities for a week or more, such as beaches and palm-tree-lined beaches, water parks, and many interesting historical sites.


Here are some tips on what to do and where to go when visiting Ghana in 2021.

Tropical environment

The very climate of Ghana is almost identical to that of Florida in the United States and southern California. There are many warm and sunny days per year in this tropical country. During the Summer, the temperature can reach up to 40°C (104°F), but during the winter it can be even colder, reaching lows of around 10°C (50°F).

Watch the Ghanaian sunset and bask in the evening rays at the beach resort of the state capital, Accra. If you have an interest in the tropical nature and visit the city at sunset, you'll enjoy a memorable experience. The water temperature is high and this beach is also a UNESCO World Heritage site.