Who Pays the Real Estate Agent in Ghana? - The Buyer or the Seller

In this article, we explore who pays the real estate agent in Ghana and some of the factors that may influence this decision.

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Who Pays the Real Estate Agent in Ghana? - The Buyer or the Seller

Who pays for the real estate agent in Ghana? The buyer or the seller?

When buying a property in Ghana, you will usually have to pay fees to the real estate agent. You will have to pay this fee whether you are the buyer or seller. The real estate agent's fee can be anywhere from 5% to 10% of the purchase price. There are also other costs such as lawyer and surveyor fees that you may need to factor into your budget.

The difference between these two is that when you are selling your property, you will almost always pay the commission on behalf of your client as part of your service. This is because it is common practice in Ghana to pay commissions upon completion of a sale.

This blog post discusses who pays for the real estate agents in Ghana and what you might expect when it comes to their commission rates.


Who Pays for the Real Estate Agent in Ghana?

If you are buying, you will be the one who pays the real estate agent's commission. If you are selling, you will pay the fee for your agent during the sale. The reason for this is that payment for an agent's commission is not a common practice in Ghana.

This blog post discusses how it works when purchasing and selling properties from an agent in Ghana.


Commission Rates

The commission rates for real estate agents in Ghana vary depending on who you are. When you are the buyer, the commission will usually be about 5% to 10%. When you are the seller, the commission is usually paid by your client.

When it comes to commission rates, there are some factors that may increase or decrease an agent's fee. One such factor is time and complexity. If a property is more difficult or expensive to sell, the agent might take a higher percentage of the total sale price as compensation. The time spent on selling a property also affects an agent's fee; if they have been working with a client for a long time, they may charge more in order to make up for their loss of income while working on this particular sale.

Commission rates will also differ depending on which country an agent operates in. In countries like Canada and France, commissions can go as high as 60%. This is because governments regulate how much agents can charge for their services. On the other hand, China has no such regulations and agents earn anywhere from 3% to 9% commission from properties sold there.

In Ghanaian culture, it is very common for sellers to pay commissions on behalf of their clients because it’s just part of business practice here. However, when it comes to buying properties in Ghana, you would be wise to budget enough money for both yourself and your representative so that no one gets left out!


It Depends on the Situation

The who pays for the real estate agent in Ghana is the buyer or seller, depending on the situation. When buying a property in Ghana, you will usually have to pay fees to the real estate agent. If you are buying a property, then you will have to pay this fee whether you are the buyer or seller.

If you are selling your property in Ghana, then it is common practice for there to be a commission paid upon completion of the sale. This means that as part of your service, you may need to be paying this commission on behalf of your client.


When Do You Pay the Real Estate Agent's Commission?

Real estate agents are necessary for the sale or buying of property. When you are buying a property, you will pay a commission to the agent. The agent's fee can be anywhere from 5% to 10% of the purchase price. There are also other costs such as lawyer and surveyor fees that you may need to factor into your budget.

When selling your property, however, you will almost always pay the commission on behalf of your client as part of your service. This is because it is common practice in Ghana to pay commissions upon completion of a sale.

You should always talk with an agent before beginning negotiations, as they can help you find out what you can expect in terms of rates and counsel on how to effectively negotiate a deal with the current market conditions in mind.



In Ghana, the buyer and the seller each pay a commission to the real estate agent. The commission rate varies depending on the nature of the transaction.

The commission rate is normally included in the purchase price. However, the buyer and seller can agree to pay their own commission. The real estate agent should be notified in advance.