Ghanaian Real Estate Companies: Are They Worth Your Time and Money?

Are Ghanaian real estate companies worth it?

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Ghanaian Real Estate Companies: Are They Worth Your Time and Money?

The best Ghanaian real estate companies are the ones that know what you're looking for. Whether it's a condominium, villa, or apartment they will have properties to suit your needs. And with their knowledge of the area they can provide insight into which neighborhoods would be best suited for you and your family.

What are some questions I should ask when choosing a real estate company? -How long have you been in business? -Do they specialize in residential or commercial property? -Are there any fees associated with renting from them? -Is this firm licensed by the government to operate in Ghana?

Are Ghanaian real estate companies worth it?

The bottom line is if you are looking for a home, investing in the real estate sector is a smart idea. It has many benefits for you including tax benefits and the possibility of getting a quick return on your investment.

When you compare the market to the real estate in the US, you are getting great deals. Currently, the property prices in Ghana are about a third of the prices you would find in the states.

Banking with a local bank - Most of the banks in Ghana are connected to other financial institutions around the world. Thus you will be able to receive your money transfers from your bank in the United States as soon as the transaction is completed.

Real estate in the country - In most cases a real estate company will help you to acquire a home by arranging a financing with a bank.

Questions to ask when choosing a real estate company

When choosing a real estate company it is important to get to know what kind of property they deal in. You can look into their licenses and permits if you are unsure about the company and what they specialize in.

And once you've chosen a firm you can expect to spend up to 1-2 hours per property. These property inspections are done to make sure the client is purchasing the correct property for their home.

What are the benefits of buying from a real estate company?

Whether you've recently moved to Ghana or you're looking to expand your house and property, you may be interested in getting a Ghanaian real estate company to help you purchase a new property.

Is the company licensed by the government?

The short answer to this question is almost always "yes." There are a lot of listings out there that say "Real Estate Company - Licensed and Approved by Ghana Standards Authority (GSA) and Multi-Stakeholder Association" but the GSA is only the licensing body for the residential market and the Multi-Stakeholder Association is not a registered body. That means the company might not be legal in the eyes of the government for the purposes you're seeking. Talk to the real estate agent and find out if they're registered with the Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources or the Ministry of Trade and Industry, and find out if they have proper licenses. Once they've demonstrated they're in the clear you can take that fact to the bank and know they can be trusted to do business with you.

Where do I search for properties?

Find properties on the internet. Google "real estate properties" and you'll find a large amount of ads for places for sale. But before you make an offer contact the realtor to see if it's a real listing or not. You should also check their marketing site.

Is this the right real estate company for me? -

If you live in a part of town that is known for not having many homes for sale this might not be the right company for you. Even if your location is hard to find it might be a good idea to contact the realtor before making an offer. Your realtor should be able to recommend places to see.

Also be aware of their high listing commissions.

Do you know of any other good Ghanaian real estate companies? -

Renova Ghana

48B Bodman Road

Tema, Ghana

Tel: 0244444234

Website: www.renogha.

Where do I find more information on the different properties and neighborhoods that they offer?

Many real estate companies have websites with listings, but more commonly the neighborhoods are listed on other websites and are compiled by real estate agents. But all that information isn't listed on the real estate company's website so you're stuck searching their websites for the information.

Listings for each neighborhood can be found on Ghana Destinations, Ghana's top-selling real estate agent directory, or realtors are great sources of information in the communities they serve.

What do other people say about their experience? -Do the property managers show up to meet me when I'm showing the property? -How did I go about negotiating the rent? -How long is the lease?

Always start with referrals.